APS Code of Conduct

Welcome Message
As a beginner, you are not expected to start your first class having this memorized. Aikido of Park Slope is a community where we support each other. If you are unsure about anything, feel free to ask. Our members and instructors will guide you through the process during your first few weeks. Together, we’ll help you grow and feel at home in the dojo.
A. Purpose
Aikido of Park Slope is committed to providing a safe and friendly environment for its members to learn, grow, and develop in aikido. This Member Code of Conduct (MCC) establishes the minimum expectations of behavior for its members.
B. Etiquette
Etiquette is a vital aspect of Aikido training at Aikido of Park Slope. It is an outward expression of martial arts awareness and reflects your relationships with other students and the martial aspects of Aikido training.
1. Before Class
Personal Cleanliness: Be physically clean, with particular attention to hands and feet. Avoid strong cologne or perfume.
Safety Preparations: Remove chewing gum, loose objects, and jewelry. Keep fingernails and toenails trimmed short. Cover open wounds with medical tape.
Proper Attire: Ensure your gi is clean and worn neatly, with the left panel outermost and the belt tied in a proper square knot.
Dojo Cleaning: Help clean the dojo (mats, changing rooms, showers, sinks, toilets). Maintaining cleanliness is part of training.
Entering the Mat: Bow toward the kamiza before entering and leaving the mat. Enter at the edge furthest from the kamiza.
Warm-Up and Meditation: Warm up or sit in quiet meditation (seiza or zazen). Ensure soles of your feet do not face the kamiza or instructor.
2. During Class
Punctuality: Avoid being late. If late, wait at the side of the mat for the instructor’s invitation to join. Bow and thank the instructor before joining.
Class Interaction: Bow to the instructor and class at the start and end of class, saying “o negai shimasu.” Bow to your partner before practice.
Observing Techniques: During demonstrations, sit in seiza at the edge of the mat without blocking the kamiza.
Adjusting Gi: Bow to your partner before fixing your gi. Face away from your partner and the kamiza.
Permission for Exit: Do not leave or re-enter the mat without the instructor’s permission. Report any injuries immediately.
Respect: Avoid forcing ideas on others. Respect those with more experience. Practice actively or sit in seiza if resting.
3. End of Class
Straighten your gi, line up orderly, and participate in bows to the kamiza, instructor, and partners.
4. General Health Considerations
Stay home if you are sick (e.g., with a cold or flu).​
C. Dojo Rules
1. General Responsibilities
Familiarize yourself with the Code of Conduct and adhere to it.
Pay dues on time and update payment information when needed.
Depart the dojo promptly at closing times.
Keep the dojo clean (practice area, mats, changing rooms).
2. Conduct Expectations
Avoid disruptive behavior, discourteous language, or actions bringing the dojo or its instructors into disrepute.
Refrain from sexual harassment or physical aggression.
Do not appear for practice under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Refrain from expressing opinions or remarks that could offend Lehrman Sensei or others during class or at the dojo.
3. Handling Abandoned Items
Take your gi home after each session. Left items may be considered abandoned.
D. Testing and Promotions
Attendance registration will be implemented; members will need to check in for promotional tracking.
Questions about training days, promotions, or dues should not be directed to Lehrman Sensei.
Promotions are at the sole discretion of Lehrman Sensei, with training days serving as a guide, not the main focus of practice.